Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Dickerson, party of two.

Now that you have some background information I’m going to let my guard down from here on out. Sorry if I offend any of you with my stories, advice and just plan bitter ranting; which will happen. This blog isn’t written for the light-hearted.

Back in my hosting days, after I came to the realization that hosting wasn’t all the glitz and glam I dreamed it would be. I slowly started to become more jaded. It seemed like the only people I ever dealt with were extremely rude. After dealing on average with; 50 overweight, hungry, self-center people a night. I finally was able to pick out what my biggest pet peeve from the restaurant industry was and still is today. That is; when people walk up to the hosts stand feeling they have all the entitlement in the world to say anything they want to anyone. Then get an attitude with me about the wait time. Of course at the time I did what any good employee would do or more like any employee that has decent people skills. I would give my biggest fake smile and be as polite as possible assuring them their name will be called as soon as their table was available. Now at the time this is what I was thinking. “Hey buddy, no one is holding a military firearm to your head making you wait at this restaurant for a table. If you have issues with the wait time then leave. Don’t take out your anger on me because I simply take your name down and give you a buzzer that alerts you when your table is ready. I highly doubt you’re starving or on the verge of going hungry so please stop being so mellow dramatic and grow up. You will eat sometime soon. And if you are the rare case that is on the verge of going hungry, please answer this question for me: why the hell are you waiting in line for 45 minutes at a restaurant for food? Shouldn’t you find a quicker way to feed yourself? Just saying.

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