Monday, January 24, 2011


I ask myself these questions each shift I work.

: Why is everything broken?

: Why are we always running out of food/ supplies?

: Why do better looking people get better tips?

: Why do funnier people get better tips?

: Why does my job always feel like the movie “Waiting”- (if you haven’t seen it, watch it and then watch it again)

: Why does the host never sit good-looking guys in my section?

: Why do the same people always seem to sit in my section?
* Should I say something to them? Do they remember me? Hopefully I gave them good service.

: Why are we consistently out of the most popular item?

: Why does it feel like I am the only one refilling the same things over and over again?

: Why is this coworker walking so slow? Hurry the f*ck up!

: Why do I have to dress like a man?

: Why are we on a wait? I have two tables open.

: Why does the person sitting at my table think I give a damn about their church cult? Stop giving me pamphelts and trying to save my soul.

: Why the hell am I still on? Someone needs to let me go home.


  1. attractive and funny people get bigger tips because they are more enjoyable to look at and listen to than ugly and boring people. And LMAO on the why is my coworker walking so slow? I think that every five seconds!

    more questions that I think:

    Why do you think you can pass your 15 year old off as a kid still?

    Why in the world would you think that you are "making it easy on me" by ordering water and Soup and Salad?

    How do I call for soups?

    Why do I always have to serve the young women? Why don't the hosts put them in a guys section?

    Why do my friends never ask to sit in my section after I tell them a thousand times to request me to be their server?

    Why in the world would the host recommend Soup and Salad to my table?

  2. You are hillarious! I would like to add:

    Why did you just squish a 7 top at a table that is meant for 4 people for a server who has 2 tables when I have a round table open and NO tables?

    Why does a certain side of the restaurant always smell like a week old pile of wet garbage?

    Why can't I wear a flower in my hair?

    Why did I just get a $3 tip on a $116 tab coupled with a "you were such a great server!"?
    *Thanks a fucking lot! Your compliments cannot pay my bills!*

    I'm sure I could think of more...but I am beginning to feel angry.

