Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Thought You were the Homie, Guess Not

Because tipping is such a big part of my life at work this will not be the only blog post I have about tipping. Honestly I could write a whole blog on the topic alone. But today’s post is about a situation I had with someone who at one time I thought was my friend.

Every so often my restaurant has promotions and great deals on food. During one of our promo’s a few of my friends came in and sat in my section one night I was working. Now the custom rule for tipping your friend is easy. You simply over tip them because you don’t want your friend to think you’re a cheap ass. Even better you don’t want to be the main target of bad gossip within your group of friends over the next few days. Sadly enough a buddy of mine didn’t get the memo on this customary practice. Not only did my friend give me a shitty tip (.73 cents to be exact) but throughout the meal he was trying to get as much free stuff as possible. Not to mention he was already getting a killer deal on his dinner. This put me over the edge, at first I thought it was a joke and he would hook me up with free drinks at the bar later on that night. But no, nothing of the sort happened. The next morning I rolled over picked up my cell phone and deleted him from my contacts. I should have gone as far as removing him off of Facebook but that could have started a social feud I was not ready to fight.


  1. I think tipping under $1 is rude any way you look it, unless you are disgusted with your service. There is no 0-1. It's either nothing or it's 1+!

  2. A agree with Davey. If it's less then $1 you might as well not leave a tip, it would be too huge of an insult! It's funny, my first blog post mentioned tipping. You should check it out!

  3. B...that has to be a joke, people i dont even know give me better tips then that! i say eff him, if hes that big of a cheap-ass, he clearly is not of the same class of people as you. You are only as good as the company you keep, and i'd say, he's not a keeper.

